
31 Days to Spain - Week Three Wrap Up

I'm still feeling behind on this daily project. I keep meaning to catch up, but I'm still working on it. I think the hard part is when you feel like you did a great sketch, you don't want to follow it up with a weak one. I am trying to let that go though. This project has been fantastic for preparing for the residency. I think when I started, I thought I would have time to paint all day this month. I have had many things to do in this time though. I'm basically doing spring cleaning in the fall, working on my online shops and website, reorganizing my shipping and packaging area and the list goes on. I'm really looking forward to arriving in Cadiz and spending more time on one project.

October 15th - Portrait with flowers and water sketches

I was contacted to create a portrait that must include water and flowers to benefit clean water technology for families and individuals. Here are a few sketches for a piece to contribute to this project.

October 16th - El Pato bilingual cans

This one was a big hit! A kitchen staple for many. I do love that El Pato cans are bilingual! Each side looks as you see it here. I've been through many cans of it in my life. 

October 17th - Traveler's Tree

Traveler's Tree aka Traveler's Palm aka Ravanela madagascariensis. Named because up to a quart of water accumulates in the leaf base, which is shaped like a cup, and may be used for emergency drinking water. Native to Madagascar. 

October 18th - Bill Nye

We scored free tickets to see Bill Nye at De Anza College. It was so great! I love hearing interesting people talk about their lives and share their knowledge. I sketched his face a few times and noted a few interesting things about him here. 

October 19th - Donuts

The owner of Makeshift Society, Rena Tom, requested for artists and illustrators to make donuts for her Creative Mornings talk. I am sad I will be missing her talk live in San Francisco, but CM are really good about filming these. Rena wants to have the donuts flashing behind her during her talk. It worked out perfectly to paint it during my open studio sale, especially since there's a donut shop almost across the street from my studio. 

October 20th - Clipboard of Insanity

Yes, that's the official name of my clipboard. It features handwritten to do notes, print outs of spreadsheets and checklists, shows to apply to and more. I keep trying to minimize it, then it grows, then I minimize it. I am more of a hands-on visual person, so this clipboard has worked quite nicely in addition to using the computer for organization and productivity.

October 21st - Persimmon

Ah, my favorite fall fruit, specifically Fuyu persimmons. Nature's candy. The perfect shade of orange. It was hard to not eat it while painting it. I may even have taken a bite.

31 Days to Spain - Week Two Wrap Up

Well, this week had a couple hiccups in the daily art project. That's okay though, since I don't like following rules anyway. I've been swamped with work between projects and preparing for the trip. I am trying to make 2015 awesome and fresh so I am cleaning out the house and studio as well. I put waaay too much on my plate, but that's how it goes sometimes. 

October 8th - Moonrise

In my last blog post, I spent the day with a lovely friend in SF. We watched the moonrise. I actually painted this on the 9th, so it was the start of getting off schedule with this project. 

October 9th - Fern Block Printed Tote Bag 

I got started with this fern print Friday morning with the help of Oscar, my sweet coworker (his paw seen here). I had been mulling over making these for awhile since I've had the bags for a screen printing project. A fundraiser for a friend was the catalyst for getting them going. I made 10 block printed bags total.

October 10th - Bags on the wall

Here are some of the 10 bags I made for a fundraiser for a friend battling cancer. They are printed on organic cotton totes. I hope to have screen printed versions in the new year with new designs. I love our neighbor's garage wall. The peeling paint and varying color make a great backdrop for photo shoots. 

October 11th - Sketches from a post on a weekend in Bolinas

Here are a few sketches from a day spent in Bolinas. My next blog post will be about my awesome weekend in Bolinas and Cazadero. Keep your eyes peeled for that one. We saw a fox on a hillside on the side of the road, an amazing art show in an A-frame room on a farm and of course, the bay and hills. 


October 12th - A-Frame in Cazadero Sonoma County

Another sketch from the Bolinas and Cazadero weekend. I saw this mid-century modern decorated home during an open house. It was on a nice sized property. Again, the next blog post will be covering this amazing weekend.

October 13th - Plant Art 

I call this my meandering plant project. The pieces are for a small works art show in SF. I really liked the simplicity of the plants and the white background, but I figured it needed something else. 

October 14th - More Plant Art

I painted another plant sketch for a small works art show in SF. More leafy greens here! 

I'm having so much fun with this project so far! However, I am noticing my perfectionism creeping in. Each day, it should be whatever it is, yet I am trying to create clear outcomes. It's a work in progress. Literally.

31 Days to Spain - Week One Wrap Up

This post is jam-packed with goods! Daily art from the last week AND a link to the big studio clean up to prepare for my sale next week. If you haven't heard about the studio sale, you may want to sign up for my newsletter so you can hear this kind of news directly in your inbox AND get the extra special discount on my studio sale. You can sign up at the bottom of this page.

Let's get to it!

October 1st

The first day of my daily art project was featured in my previous post on what art supplies I will be bringing to Spain. They may change, but it was good to get started thinking about it.

Art supplies for my art residency

Art supplies for my art residency

October 2nd

For Day 2, I completed a montage painting of Iceland. This is something new that I am offering. You send me photos of your most memorable trip and I create a group of images for you to remember it by. The art measures 11x14. You can find the listing in my shop

Scenes of Iceland 

Scenes of Iceland 

October 3rd

I wanted to come up with a personal way to thank my customers when they order from me online. I decided to carve this block print "From the Studio of Frances Marin" so I can include it with every order and handwrite a thank you on the back. Usually, I write a note, but I like having this stamp on the other side now. I love personally thanking all of my super customers! I just sent off my first order with one in it!

From the studio of Frances Marin

From the studio of Frances Marin

October 4th - Studio cleanup and Dream Studio Sketch

My last post covered the start of my studio cleanup AKA Studio Redo. After spending all day working on it, I went home and sketched up how I dream for this studio to look when I'm done for Day 4. Of course, my real dream studio would probably be up in the mountains or by the sea or a lake, but I am quite grateful for this awesome little space for now.

The gold brick wall will remain for now.

The gold brick wall will remain for now.

October 5th

I am struggling working on a painting of my old bedroom/studio from age 23, so instead I painted the first bedroom I moved into after moving out of my parents' house at the age of 19 for Day 5. It was a single mattress on the floor with purple sheets, stacks of books everywhere and a Bob Dylan poster above my bed. The room was really tiny, so that's about all it could fit. 

My modest little first adult bedroom. 

My modest little first adult bedroom. 

October 6th

I am working on a painting for a show about your favorite place. The concept can be from childhood or now. My first thought was the sweet white fringed hammock in my backyard. I may not stick with this theme, but for Day 6, I thought it was just fine.

Ah, the old hammock

Ah, the old hammock

October 7th 

You may have heard the news: David Lynch is bringing back Twin Peaks 25 years later. Us rabid fans are thrilled with this news. I sketched out his wonderful face and some snippets of the show for Day 7. So looking forward to the return of Twin Peaks in 2016!

David Lynch and imagery of Twin Peaks.

David Lynch and imagery of Twin Peaks.

That's all for this week! 

31 Days to Spain - Week One

Agh! I can't believe it. Today is October 1st and that means 5 weeks or, a one month countdown to my departure date for Spain. I decided that I would post more frequently during this time as I get ready for it for two reasons. One, I decided that I would make a new piece of art and post it everyday until I leave (31 pieces of art!). Two, I will post a weekly checklist to prepare for the residency, since if I publish this list publicly, maybe I will be more organized and actually follow it! 

The daily art will be posted on Instagram, Facebook and then I will post the week's images collectively in weekly blog posts. The art might be related to what I am working on at the residency, a sketch, a completed painting, etc. The hashtag I'll be using is #31daystoSpain on Instagram and Facebook. The blog posts will happen every Wednesday until I leave.

And heeere it goes!

First off, I am starting to think about supplies. Originally, I applied to the residency with my project being a 3D Sumi ink paper project. Initially, I thought that I would just bring white paper and Sumi ink. I soon realized that I would likely be wishing I had color, so I decided to bring watercolor and gouache paints. I am not going to be using oils or acrylic since I don't want to even think about dealing with the wood I would be painting on. Too heavy! The residency where I will be also includes the following:

Projector, screen, printer-scanner, two monitors (small and large), DVD player, stationery equipment (craft knives, self-healing cutting mat, staplers, rulers, felt tip pens etc.), jigsaw, drill, Dremmel multi-tool, tool set (hammers, screwdrivers, hacksaws etc.), extension cables, electric stapler, two portable halogen lamps (500 watts), airbrush compressor, potter’s wheel, option of firing small ceramic pieces (the kiln is located off site), plastic buckets and utensils, glue gun, two easels, whiteboard.

After reviewing this list again, I realized how exciting it would be for me to work on ceramics while I am out there! OK, onto the list.

This week's checklist:

  • Supplies to buy
    • Sumi ink - purchase new large bottle of Sumi ink
    • paper - research what kind of paper (Bristol, watercolor, etc.) will be needed
    • gouache paint - price and order Holbein Acryla Gouache
    • watercolor - assess what I am running out of and order
    • brushes - order a few extras
    • Bamboo pens - order a variety of sizes
    • pencils - order a variety of styles
    • palettes

I'm happy to have found a great art supply shop called Piccolita in Cádiz. I'm sure I will forget something or I will be inspired to try something new while I'm there, so it's great to know there's an awesome shop there!

Cabin Weekend in Tahoe

Ah, Lake Tahoe. Bright blue, shimmery and clear... well no, not when the forecast was cloudy and rainy. Last Friday, I left for Tahoe with my boyfriend and his family for his dad's 60th birthday. We all knew it was going to be cooler and and raining, so we packed up our coats and headed to this cabin in Tahoe City. It was a great weekend with a great family (only bits and pieces of them shown here).

Feeling pretty lucky knowing I would be here all weekend. 

Feeling pretty lucky knowing I would be here all weekend. 

I had felt a little worried about going away for 4 days when I have a lot of work to do, but I surrendered myself and just enjoyed the weekend. It was pretty easy to relax here!

Quite a dreamy cabin, huh?

Quite a dreamy cabin, huh?

Despite the weather, I knew my bag of paints and book would be of use for the weekend. We were able to go for a run the first day since it was cloudy, but not yet pouring rain. Just as we left, a mama bear and her cub walked up behind the cabin! It was my first time seeing bears in the wild. In all my years of camping, I had heard them at night at campsites, but never seen them. It was super cool! I knew I had to paint it. 

Gouache painting of bears at the cabin.

Gouache painting of bears at the cabin.

Dinner time!

Dinner time!

We ate well all weekend, being sure to include salads with all our decadence! Everyone made such good food. The younger girls put together the beautiful pine cone floral centerpiece gathered from outside. Happy birthday to Victor! 

The girls "acting natural."

The girls "acting natural."

There was a covered porch swing!

Love that A-frame!

Love that A-frame!

And a pool table upstairs!



The rainy and sunny road south.

The rainy and sunny road south.

After a couple days at the cabin, we headed to South Lake Tahoe to have brunch and check out the area. I had never been to this part of the lake before. It's a lot more crowded than north Tahoe, but still nice. It was a rainy day, but still so beautiful. 

Gloomy weather in South Tahoe.

Gloomy weather in South Tahoe.

And the clouds came back in! Personally, I was ready to get back to the cabin. I was so inspired to work!

So many trees...

So many trees...

I am ready to go this week! Surrounded by trees, wonderful people, rain and being in an A-Frame all weekend gave me a little boost for my work week:)