SoFA Sketch San Jose

Weekend 3/11/16

It's been a few weeks since a weekend post so I gathered a few weeks here. It's been all dog, taxes, cleaning and sketching around here lately. I'm heading off on a trip at the end of the month so I am trying to get everything in order before we go. 



Ahhhh, the studio looks so good again. I tidied it up for a photo shoot for an interview. It was the perfect excuse to clean the place. After a few recent art shows it became disorderly quickly. You'll hear about a creative block I had further on, but I think it happened because my space was messy.


Heading down to the beach

Heading down to the beach

We went to Fort Funston for the first time a couple weeks ago. It's basically a dog paradise where they can roam free off leash in bluffs over the sea and down below on the beach. We brought our new dog, Homer, with us and he loved it. 

Fort Funston beach

Fort Funston beach



I listened to this Nick the Tooth podcast with the founder of Shoyoroll. Only jiu jitsu fans will know what I am talking about, but it's great to hear a story of how someone got started in creating something. 

Marc Maron's interview with Abbi Jacobson and Iliana Glazer is so good. I think these ladies saved the day when I was getting frustrated by all the male ensemble comedy shows. Men can't have all the fun! Listening helped me uncover this video of a drum off between the ladies while doing Broad City Live. I had no idea, Iliana. 

I just discovered this Bay Area art podcast Congratulations Pine Tree. I will let you know how it is soon.



A rainbow just prior to sunset

A rainbow just prior to sunset

Unedited photo of the sky last week

Unedited photo of the sky last week

Having a dog has sent us to the dog park frequently. Because of all this wet weather here in Northern California, the skies have been really beautiful. I love having a dog for many reasons, they have awesome personalities, they are so loving, they make you get exercise throughout the day and when you are training a new dog, you have to be present and pay attention. Getting out of the studio to walk him has been really good for me. 



My friend Suhita Shirodkar was featured in this San Jose Mercury News article. She has been painting signs and relics in San Jose lately. I love her fresh style.

I read this great New Yorker article on Resilience. I think about this topic often. The author mentions you have to experience adversity of some sort in order to know whether you are resilient. I see how different people react to bad situations and I'm often amazed at how some people with the biggest hardships are able to overcome difficult situations and experiences.  

This article on How Complaining Can Actually Make You Feel Worse is great. It's short and really worth the read.



The nice thing about being someone who likes to draw all kinds of things is I don't get huge creative blocks. Sure, I'm stumped sometimes, but last weekend I couldn't get anything going in my sketchbook for three days. I know it was basically due to me wanting to make something really great and letting perfectionism get in the way. 

Lastly, I sketched my cat Stanny last night after she brought a mouse in the house. After we couldn't find it, we put Broad City on the episode had an eerily similar theme. I love when that happens:)



What Goes On 10/23/2015


I know I shared this picture in the last post, but I am just so excited about the new studio! Who says artists have to be cluttered and disorganized?? The room hit rock bottom recently and it needed a redo. I am so happy sitting at this desk writing this post.



I stopped at the Muji store downtown and bought these gel pens. They are AWESOME! I love how fluid they write and they come in a pack of six. I used the Muji pen for the sketch on the right in my new Cottonwood Arts sketchbook. I LOVE this sketchbook too. The paper is the perfect thickness. 


Persimmons! Oh, how I love you. I have been eating 1-2 a day since we went to the farmer's market. As usual, I will eat as many as I can.



I went to a lecture by theoretical physicist Michio Kaku at the Flint Center. He is a futurist with many interesting ideas about what's to come. I felt so lucky to be able to attend this event. In the last couple of years, I have been able to see Bill Nye, Max Tegmark and now Michio speak. My brain feels full.

I found this podcast interviewing Erin Gleeson, who authored my favorite cookbook Forest Feast. She talks about her path to making the book, which is really inspiring since I am currently in the works to write and illustrate several books.

Anna Sale hosts one of my favorite podcasts, Death, Sex and Money, always touting that these are subjects no one wants to talk about. In this episode, titled The Sex Worker Next Door, Anna interviews a woman in the field anonymously. The result is human and eye-opening. 

One of my favorite podcasts is Art for Your Ear by The Jealous Curator. This weekend she interviewed Kate Bingaman-Burt. The episode is titled "Make Piles of Crap" and I could not agree more! That's something I have been doing lately. Just drawing a lot and not really thinking of the end result. I've heard interviews with Kate before and she is always fun to hear. 



This list is well worth the read. I keep hearing about Stoicism and it's relevance these days. These guidelines are for creatives to keep calm in chaos. 

Sea Wolves! Yes, Sea Wolves. I had no idea these gorgeous creatures. If you are interested in seeing them in action, watch this sea wolf video



I saw these birds on a recent overcast day above the Los Gatos Creek Trail. I love how many there were. What were they meeting about?


SoFA Sketching

Last month's SoFA Sketch was my favorite one yet. I feel like it's finding its groove. I look forward to the next one on October 28th 7-9pm. I'm sure many will be working on their Inktober sketches. I will be making and posting the new flyer this weekend.



Check out this cool video of the awesome artist duo Kelly Tunstall and Ferris Plock. I have always loved the idea of two artists working together like this. 

Have a great weekend!