
Linea de Costa Art Residency in Cádiz, Spain Pt. 1

This is my fifth day in Cádiz, Spain and I'm in love with this city. I felt right at home. The pace, the food, coffee, air, ocean and people are magnificent to say the least. I battled through some jet lag for the first few days, but I'm doing great now. 

The studio view from the huge rooftop terrace.

The studio view from the huge rooftop terrace.

I'm out here for the Linea de Costa art residency in the Espacio de Creación Contemporánea. It's a beautiful marble-filled gallery next door to the Universidad de Cádiz. The artist studios view the ocean with waves pounding the ancient city walls and boats sailing by. I've always dreamt of a seaside studio and I always dreamed of studying abroad when I was in college, so this is pretty surreal and satisfying. I feel spoiled to be here.

Espacio de Creación Contemporánea (ECCO)

Espacio de Creación Contemporánea (ECCO)

The grand stairwell at ECCO.

The grand stairwell at ECCO.

An installation in the atrium at ECCO.

An installation in the atrium at ECCO.

The building I'm working in is a former military barrack built in the 18th century. It was renovated and now houses a beautiful museum and gallery space. The gallery where I will be showing is gorgeous. I'll show you photos in a couple of weeks.

My workspace in the art studio.

My workspace in the art studio.

The other artist here is fantastic. She has a few really interesting projects going from textiles to video and masking tape. It's inspiring to have her in the room with me. She's from the US, Massachussets specifically, where she is an art school professor. We're having a good time hanging out and creating. 

The local art supply store and their dog.

The local art supply store and their dog.

The art supply store, Piccolita, has a lot of great supplies. The owner and her daughter were so helpful and friendly. It's in the same square as the Museo de Cádiz and maybe 8 short blocks from the studio. 

The interior exterior of my apartment.

The interior exterior of my apartment.

The small, yet perfect little kitchen.

The small, yet perfect little kitchen.

I'm making a lot of comparisons with the States while here, especially in my art making process. I love how the living spaces are so much smaller. We're always looking for more and more room in the US, when we don't really need that much space. Eggs aren't refrigerated here (as in much of the world outside the US) and instead of dryers, you hang your clothes to dry on a line. 

The beautiful colors of Cádiz.

The beautiful colors of Cádiz.

So many boats.

So many boats.

Little A-frame

Little A-frame

I have been sketching and playing with ideas for my installation at ECCO. I also created this little A-frame house in about a day and a half. It was fun playing architect! 

My installation at ECCO opens on November 27th. 

Gotta get back to work!