sumi ink

Weekend 3/18/2016

Midst working on taxes, cleaning out the studio and doing some all around spring cleaning, I have been packing for an upcoming trip to Costa Rica. I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row beforehand. It's feeling so good to know that I will come back to a clean slate. 





Last Friday I made patacones and guacamole for a jiu jitsu potluck. Patacones are friend green plantains. Since a lot of the ladies I train with eat somewhat paleo/clean, I wanted to make something that fit into that way of eating. I love being the cook. You get to sample while you're working.

Niçoise salad                                                     

Niçoise salad                                                     

I loosely used this recipe to make this Niçoise salad. It turned out so good. I ended up kind of mashing up the potatoes. I used sherry wine vinegar since that's what I had and leftover roasted chicken rather than fish. 



Michael Ian Black interviewing Naomi Klein

I listened to The Raincoats on a rainy Sunday. It's one of my favorite records of all time. 



My friend Jackie mentioned this article to me about a frugal man. It's really interesting. I always go back and forth between being frugal and being extravagant. Although my level of extravagance is probably really low-key compared to some people. It's interesting to hear about how this guy lives.



I've been walking a ton since we got a dog so I have been noticing things in my neighborhood more than usual. I love the way this apartment dweller decorated their balcony and these tiles are so nice.


I told myself I would switch it up and paint something totally different, but ended up painted one of my usual moons. 

Sauna sketchbook.jpg

I drew some ideas for a backyard sauna, something I dream of having someday. I started sketching some when I was in Spain a couple of years ago and have them on my mind again lately. 

New Campfire Art Print Available

I'm a little sad it's been so warm here in California. I like to camp in the winter when it's cold and there are less people, but I have a feeling we are skipping winter with the drought and warm weather we are experiencing. Still, I will be camping in a few weeks and I thought it fitting to post my art Firewater, which is now available as a print in my Etsy shop. I hope you have a serene weekend.

Firewater, available here

Firewater, available here